Wedding Fair Season is Starting...

Now that the Christmas is starting to become a distant memory... It's that time of year again where wedding fairs take over everyone's Sundays!

The hen party experts here at Bistro Live are booked on to quite a few over the next couple of months and we'd love it if you'd come along and say Hi! (you never know, if you ask them nicely then I'm sure they'll arrange a cheeky discount!)

Here's where you'll find us over the next few months...

Sunday 11th January - Hilton Hotel, Leicester
Sunday 18th January - Sedgebrook Hall,  Northampton
Sunday 25th January - Wicksteed Park, Northampton
Sunday 1st February - Marriott Hotel, Leicester
Sunday 15th February - Horwood House, Milton Keynes
Sunday 22nd February - Eastwood Hall, Nottingham
Sunday 8th March - Nottingham Conference Centre (Trent University)
Sunday 26th April - Osmaston Park, Derby

If you know of any other wedding fairs on dates where we're not anywhere or want anymore information on a fair listed above... Email me at and let me know! 
See you soon,
Lauren x