Bistro Live Hen parties 2012

Our new Hen brochure is now on it’s way to brides to be and the bookings for 2012 are flooding in!

Why should book early…

-      You can totally focus on your wedding plans
-      You can have first pick of the night you would like to come before we get booked up and hotel stays
-      With the Queens jubilee and the Olympics next year hotels are likely to get booked up well in advance.

To find out more about Bistro Live hen nights click here.

Brand New Hen Brochure for 2012

We have just finished designing and printing our brand new hen night brochure for our hens next year. We have sent out a truckload already and we look forward to sending many more for all of our happy hens next year!

If you would like a copy of the brochure please call us on 0845 33 11 500 and we'd be happy to send you one!

Bistro Live